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Loose lay 100 x 100 cm LVT and carpet, a perfect partnership
The easily removable, “Loose lay” flooring system, perfect for refurbishments.

The easily removable, “Loose lay” flooring system, perfect for refurbishments.
Combine the features of two types of flooring to get the best of both worlds! Cosy and versatile, it’s perfect for modern interiors. Symbiance has the warmth of real wood flooring and the character of natural stone. It’s also really comfortable to walk on, meaning it can give carpet a run for its money! All these features blend together to create contemporary, chic and fashionable ambiances. The new Symbiance collection features two distinct designs: Wood (11 colours) and Stone (5 colours), which use a range of different shades that contrast with or match carpet. The different textures and colours complement each other and give any room a modern and sophisticated edge. The tiles and planks work really well with Balsan carpet.
Informacje techniczne
Masa ogółem (g/m²) - NF ISO 8543
9050 g/m²Grubość ogółem
5 mmIzolacja przed odgłosami uderzeń
ΔLw 6 dBRuno antystatyczne
0.2kVOdporność termiczna
<= 27 m² C°/W
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